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We're Tweeting on Twitter and Liking Facebook !

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Well I rarely see any of them, the most things I see are normal fan pages and normal groups and sometimes you get warnings from people saying 'report this group' but I think the population of the 'good' is higher than that of the 'bad' lol
In every country, in every society there are hate groups. FB is a large worldwide society and there are good things and bad things like a country has or a normal society.

Don't you think terror spreads like this? You see so many people joining hate groups....and somewhere in the World Obama is having peace talks...where is this world going?

wasnt it there b4??:S

Nonetheless, I'd say there are numerous peace organization groups and loving caring groups

Heart Hacker:

--- Quote from: ~Xena~ on May 29, 2010, 07:35:25 pm ---Browse for hate groups on fb. You'll find a good hundred pages of search.

--- End quote ---

browse for "REMOVING HATE GROUPS" i m sure u will find loads too  :)


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