Student Forum > Important Announcements

We're Tweeting on Twitter and Liking Facebook !

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--- Quote from: eddie_adi619 on September 13, 2009, 08:51:29 am ---
--- Quote from: eddie_adi619 on September 13, 2009, 07:40:18 am ---
--- Quote from: Q80BOY on September 12, 2009, 06:12:44 pm ---guys can someone design a pic we can use for our twitter page .. a logo maybe .. =/

thanks !! :)

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what abt the logo..

should we go with the abb. or rite the whole thing??

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abbreviation is ok i guess....ask the others tho

I'm following. Can we put up code there?

Ghost Of Highbury:

--- Quote from: astarmathsandphysics on September 13, 2009, 09:07:01 am ---I'm following. Can we put up code there?

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u mean the URL???

No i mean like we have on freeexampapers, where whenver you load a page the last 10 posts from the forum are displayed.

Ghost Of Highbury:
i'm not sure abt that

but it will display the latest activities ......

we can make one twitter page for FEP too!

i have made one..woking on it..

1 more thing

this twitter account's password???

will it be known only by Q80...and teh facebook one's to nid..

or it can be told to other ppl frmo the forum???


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