i dnt relly remember kina a blur memory
but i was at this realllyy deserted park i have noo idea where.. nd no1 was there and im walking around nd listening to music
and then after awhile i see some girl hiding behind a tree and then im like wth im supposed to b here no1 else (which is weird

) lol
so then i go near the tree.. nd this tiny liitttle girl popz out and omg she was sooooooooooooooooooo cutteee
and i strt talking and playing with her .. nd after a while i see another girl my age and she comes upto me and shes like wht r u doing with my sister u kidnapper..

and i try to explain to her but she wont listen hmmph.. nd then after an hour of explaining she gets it lool
and then i find out tht shez ROXY

and then shez like my loooooonnngg looooooooonnnnnngg loooooossssssstttttt twin ahahahaha and then i wake up