okay...so here it is...
zainy wz out...n saw me mana mony sweetsh ET Priceless uh...hope i didnt miss anyone....so ya....v all partyin...it wz zainys bday n v all ver nicely partyin....ven these two guys cum up....................with guns in their hands!! aaahhhhhhhhhh.....so v all ver realli panicked n scared......it seemed like v ver carryin a lot of cash.....n so they say..."Give us all the money or vll shoot all of u!" n then omg.........hahahahahahaha.....the funniest part...looooooollll......

so get ready........
Sweetsh cums frm behind n guess what?! she has a BOMB in her hand n goes like..."IF u don't go away ill burst it!" hahahahha........omg...i cudnt stop laughin on it!
then again the weirdest part......a helicopter comes out of nowhere....n descends n aahhhhhhhh....*takin a deep breath outta releif* saves us all!!! yaaaayyy!!!
ohkk....the dreams still not over...........
then the scene changes.....n zainy is in her car....driving...wow...sounds soo cool...lalalala.......then wooosh!!
da cop cums out of da bles....n stops da car....n asks zainy out! n zainy....really freaked out...says in scary freaked out voice..." huh? what now? what did i do now?" soo....newyas...he drags her outta car......(n zainy told me that she remembers the luks very well of her kidnapper...haha....n its summon frm sf she assumes......who she dunno) so then......dah person drags her to da top of a mountain n askes her to............................................................................jump!! hahahahahaha!!! it sounds so funny now....buh in dream she wz realli freaked out!

she goes like...."noooo noo " buh then hes reaali stubborn n nt budgin frm his order.....so after wastin lotta tym.......zainy..........................finally................JUMPS!!

the dreams over!! tadaaaaa......
n zainy tol me ven she woke up....she wz feelin very hot!