New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
not sure who to be madder at, suarez or assamoah gian
hey you, football freak you are now how are you?
Back in KSA AND I AM SUPER HAPPY. Lol.You are back in Uni or still in KSA?
He is offline =|What are you doing unknown101 until this late hour? I see Roxy online but she isn't posting!!!!!!!!!! *ROOOOOXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYY*
hahahahahaim stalkin ppl, tryin to find out where the live, so i can kill them in their sleep, and im waitin for u to sleep!! hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah yeah she CBA anymore!! thats the reason!! hahahhahah
HAHAHAHAHAHA....! U r a stalker? o.O and how will u stalk me? I have no personal info in the forum like my real name or email't worry...I am used to getting stalked..and some people stalked me until they found my real fb account and real name they didn't benefit much though so it is useless... =PYala Good Night everyone! Salam. =]
just sleep wid one eye open, or else...... hahahahahahahah