New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Hello everyone!
Hey guys!!!!Sorry I haven't been on for a year... hahaha how has everyone been? The old family thread is gone.... I'm not the crazy uncle anymore! Well I hope everyone's great. I'm finished with high school
My German bro! OMG =O =O WHERE HAVE YOU BEEEEEEEN?!!!!!!!!!!!!!DO U REMEMBER ME?!!!
I know riggghtt.He remembers me, you and 3bood. (: LOL.
I wonder where Abood disappeared to And great I am always remembered! How you doingggg rox?!
Holiday was great! Alhamdolilah.You are doing A2 now. Is it harD?
Oh... when will u take ur vacation then? When will u be back to KSA? I traveled to other cities I went with my family, aunt and her husband and cousins! It was awesome! =D