yeah k .. am watching it nw ..
bt, did they run out of the 7ara ??
i jst heard mo3taz saying tht ..
they had to surrender themselves and their weapons, the men and weapons left the 7ara without them knowing but left the women and some men had to stay, now the french have the 7ara under their control
did abo-shehab disappear realli wala he jst left the 7ara wit the others ??
they say he quit and left the whole series 
but theyre acting as if he dissapeared and dont know where they went, its likely he doesnt come back :l
commercials time .. lol
what ?? nooooooooo
hez my 2nd fav. n the series ..
walhi 7aram ..
tayb, plz gimme sme highlights ..
nothing really big has happened yet, the first 1-3 episodes the french came and wanted to take it over, they tried but the 7ara beat them, 4-8 the other 7aras helped them get food and supplies through a secret well, the one they escaped from, now theyre just thinking of what to do next