hey guys did you know that a giraffe never cough?
and that you lose 60 hairs a day?
also, when women have there periods, their middle fingers shrink. Dont ask me why.
An eyelash lasts for a 150 days
Newborns cant produce tears until 6 weeks
By 20 we lose 20% of our sense of smell, by 60 we lose 60%. Oh gosh!
interesting eh?
By the way its KAM
Sorry zainy
yeah, interesting .. how do they observe these things anyway ??
hii ur finally online
well hmm not anymore lol
i know right its weird!!
miss you 
kaaaaaaaaam, i missed ya like hell dude ..
jst thought bout u yest. morning be4 i even come on here, & i found out u finally started reappearing

where have ya been ?? i miss u too much more.

& u know u have to give us the warning be4 u disappear like that.