How r u now ??
me fine..
Worst thing u have ever smelt ??
dunt rememba..Most disgusting thing u have ever tasted ??
ugghhhWhat is one place u once went in2, & u were like 'wooooow' ??
never happened to me People who is older thn 16, what was one fantastic thing that happened to u when u were 16 ??
People who still havent reached 16 or is 16, what r u really anticipating be4 u turn 17 ??
hw would i knw
Do u own any pets ?? If yes, what r their name ??
none.. Honestly, r u racist ?? If i ask u give me the address of a site so i'd go onto now, which site would u give me ??
youtube.. xD
Do u work out ??
nt in front of the world
So, there is an accident on the road, & one of the passengers is seriously injuried ..
What do i c u doing ??
call 4 help
Do u smile when pictures r taken of u or r u the only one that wont be making ny emotion ??
smile or make weird faces when wid frendz