i think imma post some more :
Look to your left, what do you see ??
my cupboard lol
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone ??
One of my friends
Can u whistle ??
Yea, but not the one with the fingers
One thing u wish u could have right now. & i mean sth tangible.
A ticket to South Africa

Music or movies ??
When u take ur shoes off, do u untie the shoelaces ??
Hell no, didnt tie my laces since the beginning of the school year!
Have u ever seen a dead body there in front of u ??
Ever faked sick ??
If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go ??
the moment my IGs started, and i wuda made sure i had way more fun that i actually did
Last thing you bought at the grocery store ??
Have you been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?
Not in an ambulance, but i've been there plenty of tymes lol
Ever broken a bone ?? How ??
Does a skull fracture count?
What three possessions could you could not live without?
My laptop, my tv, and my mobile
Do you like Lost or Heroes more?
Didnt watch any of the two
What weird habits did you have when you were younger?
I slept cross-legged (and sometimes i still do)
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Not BEST, i don't trust anyone to be my best friend :p
Name one irritating thing bout the way i write ??
Sometimes i dont wanna answer something, and then u keep on pushing on me!
Girls, do u think brad pitt looks hott ??
(Representing girls) OOOOH! HE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO HOTT! *faints*
Guys, do u think jennifer aniston looks hott ??
Yea, she's great, but not my top 5
Do you know how to change a baby's diaper?
NEver tried it, but wus so hard about taking something off and replacing it with another?!
Has anything scary ever happened to you that was hard to believe?
Yea, the fact that i discover at least one new cousin at least once every year (esp girls)