so, omar, did it happen that ur friends that u cried over was a Sudanese ??
loooooooool. whatcha wanna do ??
1) its omer
2) yea the friend that died was a Sudanese too
3) WHadda hell r u laughing about?
1) imma sticking to 'omar'
2) i think i know the friend u talking about ! i mean, not really know know, bas got some friends who do !
do u still mind ??
yups, u really r a MARS girl
oh, did u think i was laughing cuz the guy who died was ur friends or sth ??
thats how it appeared like
y would i effin do that ?? i was laughing cuz u were planning that prank & u wanted me to join.
u know what '''omer''' ? go to hell!
if its a misunderstanding then u clear it up, not just go blasting off
u were talking about a dead person who happens to be dear to me and then u suddenly "loooool" what do u expect me to interpert it as,eh?
and yea its Omer like it or not u gota problem with my name then too bad
1st thing, i dont get a single prob. bout ny1z name, its just that 'character' n me which i shouldnt let out nymore of wanting to annoy pple !
now bout ur friend, i cried my A** of even though i didnt know him. so it really doesn't matter to me whether hez UR dear buddy or not. bt clearly, i identified & somehow hinted that i knew the dude. again, y would i be laughing bout that?? & also the way u asked y i was laughing was really a nt nice way.
so u dont tell me what to do & not do! k ??
i only mentioned that hes dear to me in order to justify any over-reaction from me
idk noe u ok? but i do remember the day he died many ppl were all "RIP Waiel" and whatnot, and the next second they all laughin about the stupidest things; i cant tell wut type of ppl u r! how do i know u aint that type of people?
anyways, i'm glad u werent laughing about it, but i still find it weird why YOU had the ryte to blast off, telling me to go to hell, and now u tellin me what to do and not to do? heck, when did i even do that!?
u noe wut, forget that last part, we were cool with each other before this, so lets just drop it ok?
k, i had the right to blast off, cuz U blasted of without knowing or making sure 1st y i was laughing. & i truly truly h8 it when pple does that. i even fite with my parents cuz they keep on assuming stuff !
listen, By the way, i dunno bout the guys, bt the girls were really moved, i mean i know this girl in his compund, & she was really depressed. & i also remember that we mentioned his death after it by a week, & still we were kida devastated, im tellin ya even though we didnt know the dude !
so, here we go : i'm sry if i really pissed u off there cuz ur bad tempered & stuff !
so, ur right we were cool be4 this, and we should drop it !

no, u guys, its ok ! we're cool !