Qualification > Sciences

Chemistry P1 Dicussion

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--- Quote from: IGs on June 13, 2009, 01:09:53 pm ---u r convinced boombastic ryt??

--- End quote ---

wat do u mean??

the properties mention were possesed by Argon n Helium BUT the SPECIFICALLY asked WHICH PROPERTY BELOW IS THE RESON for RGON to be used in the bulb !!
the propertiec which wer mention were neither n
it was
x                    x

no the q was why not helium is used in bulbs the only reason is that argon is abundant..they both have the same properties(unreactive)
so the only reason that argon is used rather than helium is that its abundant(cheaper to obtain)

they werent asking wat r the properties of argon in general...they were comparing the gases
y is argon used RATHER than helium...but if there were no comparison..ofcourse being abundant isnt the reason for being in the bulbs
but y is it used rather than helium then it is bcz its abundant

I think argon is used because it produces light of a particular colour.


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