Qualification > Sciences

Chemistry P1 Dicussion

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hey i dont remember which question this was but was one ur answers for the oxide of something turning the litmus paper blue calcium??

AS girl:

--- Quote from: ADIN on June 14, 2009, 03:52:07 pm ---hey i dont remember which question this was but was one ur answers for the oxide of something turning the litmus paper blue calcium??

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turning the paper blue means that it's alkali.....only metals form basic oxides so it's calcium!! u r right!!


--- Quote from: MR.BooMBastiC on June 13, 2009, 11:47:45 am ---
--- Quote from: IGs on June 13, 2009, 11:45:18 am ---being more abundant is correct because argon is much more available than helium..so its much cheaper
and for gp7 m.p and b.p do increase thats why they change from gases to solids
and for stainless steel ofcourse it's railway lines because it was written that its very expensive so according to logic its right

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ITS NOT used because it is abundent or denser...tec..

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By the way all group zero gases are inert n they do not react argon i agree creates an inert atmosphere but der dey wanted to noe wen both of dem r inert den why onli argon is used so it has to be bcoz it is more abundantly found compared to the others

oh guys....loll....ur still afta dat poor ques??

leave it...its ova!!

njoy ur lyfs for heavens sake!!!

zara's ryt just 4get enjoy chillax and PARTAAYYY  :D :D

after all its onlyyy 1 mark !!!


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