Qualification > Queries

Recipe for an astar!!

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Locke Lamora:
luck, hardwork, mix 'em together, make a soupy broth!
then add a pinch of prayers,stir until they froth!
pour in some concrete syllabus, study-the-right-material;
mix and mix until it does-not-look-like-cereal!
now plop in  some grey gloopy cells,
be careful that you stay-afar;
watch it burst and bubble and boil,
and there's your recipe for an astar!!

Locke Lamora:
hello?? ny1 online??

comment plz............ this is my first attempt at semi-serious poetry, im into stories generally..........

Lol, its very good! ;D
You should get A* for english! :P

Locke Lamora:
Thanks  ;D ;D


--- Quote from: DaaDoo on June 12, 2009, 04:17:38 pm ---Lol, its very good! ;D
You should get A* for english! :P

--- End quote ---

yeah i agree
its awsome ;D


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