Qualification > Sciences
lol....mr bombastic....i thnk i wud hv don't da same thng...rite behind ya :P :D
n Take care guyz....all da best 2 u all ;)
--- Quote from: shafiq_92libra on June 11, 2009, 10:51:42 am ---
--- Quote from: sweetest angel on June 11, 2009, 10:25:35 am ---1) SODIUM SINCE ITS DA ONLY METAL
2) "D" SINCE hydroxide is colourless gas...copper pink solid!!
3)can u post the paper...i remeba doin' it buh cnt give xact explanation unless sure of answer!
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you ppl sure
i think it shud b chlorine cos hcl is an ionic compound in liquid
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dude no offence but r u sure u r appearin for a chem paper 2morrow because it doesnt luk like how can hcl be ionic
--- Quote from: nourz on June 11, 2009, 10:59:30 am ---
--- Quote from: shaxter8 on June 11, 2009, 04:33:11 am ---GUYS, WHERE CAN I GET CHEMISTRY PAPER1 PAST PAPERS FROM 1993-2002?
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did u get the markschemes for them? if yes from where? i rlyy need them!
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check your email in half an hour
lol im sure im appearing lol
im great wid organic and most of da hard stuff
bt i suck at acids bases and da ionic stuff ><
bt hcl is ionic
--- Quote from: shafiq_92libra on June 11, 2009, 11:06:18 am ---lol im sure im appearing lol
im great wid organic and most of da hard stuff
bt i suck at acids bases and da ionic stuff ><
bt hcl is ionic
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ionic bonds are formed onli between metals n non metals n HCL is not ionic bcoz neither is hydrogen a metal n nor is chlorine
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