It is prohibited to talk about any exam until 24 hours after the exam has been sat by you. This is because you may be giving answers to people in Australia/America who may not have sat the exam paper yet. These differences in GMT mean that if you do mention anything about your exam, you will be cheating.
Any threads on 'future papers' will be moderated tightly and offenders will be banned from the forum.
Moderators have the power to remove posts and whole threads if necessary, as well as issuing bans. If we are suspicious you are using PM's to transfer knowledge of these papers, we also have the power to search your PM inbox.
It is also noteworthy that any topics/threads we find about pre-24 hour exam discussion will be locked and sent to the Recycle Bin, until they are safe to be moved back. They will not be deleted.
Thankyou for your co-operation
Studentsforum Staff