Author Topic: Errrr.. Regarding Banning of Loco93  (Read 10410 times)

Offline past-papers

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Re: Errrr.. Regarding Banning of Loco93
« Reply #45 on: June 08, 2009, 06:13:47 pm »
REKMEKO was unbanned on a vote of the members. Next day he was banned again

but he got a chance..give loco a chance too then
As I said before, it is not the people's decision as to who gets banned and for how long. The Admins and Moderators will democratically make decisions. these decisions are final.

I have no knowledge of Rekomeko or why he got banned.

i have spent a longer time on the forum as compared to u have...helped ppl more than u have..i have a feeling that u consider urself superior. pls find out abt reko if u don't from the othr admins and mods. I feel we need some better admins and mods who know w8s going on on the forum,keep themselves updated and be FAIR
You will find that you are right. I'm more on the FEP side of things, however this does not mean I consider myself superior to anyone. In fact, I am equal too ever member of SF, as is every Moderator.

You fail to realise that I have a job, 14 Exams to revise for, as well as have 3 part-time volunteering Jobs; all of which I have to cater my time for whilst still moderating on here. AS I see it, Rekomeko was given a chance because his situation was questionable. I see that fair. Here however, we have a situation where a member has broken two main rules whilst continuing to try and get banned by possibly insulting members of the forum. her second topic created moments before banning asked her to be banned along with the forum deleted. If I recall correctly?

"R U Going to Delete this 2?" with the post saying something along the lines of I don't care if I'm banned. She tried to prove a point, a point which did not stand. All the Moderators stand by the rules, not by popular opinion.

This is the end of the matter from my end.

Offline reishamix

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Re: Errrr.. Regarding Banning of Loco93
« Reply #46 on: June 08, 2009, 06:14:04 pm »
nid 404.. hats off man .. seems like ur the only rational person around to speak up? .. =]

thumbs up!!
+REP !

Offline past-papers

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Re: Errrr.. Regarding Banning of Loco93
« Reply #47 on: June 08, 2009, 06:15:58 pm »
So you think the moderators and admins are not good enough?

won't say all of ull. i can't say anything abt astar cuz he takes lot of efforts to organize the forum and canot devote as much time,along with teaching to these problems...and so there are admins and moderators. Sweetsh cummon let's be many reps do u earn outside chit- chat section. i am not saying ur a bad admin..never...u r very good ..and not that chit-chat section is bad or anything..admins and moderators need to mainatain a good equation with their members. If u guys potray an image of being superior nobody will want to respect u(i don't mean u sweetsh) general.
No-one is portraying an image of being superficially better than other members. We are simply obeying the rules of the forum. If you feel there is a problem in that, feel free to lodge a complaint about that and make a topic on the issue.

but until then, I do not see any discrimination going on, from any staff member.

Offline reishamix

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Re: Errrr.. Regarding Banning of Loco93
« Reply #48 on: June 08, 2009, 06:17:08 pm »
REKMEKO was unbanned on a vote of the members. Next day he was banned again

but he got a chance..give loco a chance too then
As I said before, it is not the people's decision as to who gets banned and for how long. The Admins and Moderators will democratically make decisions. these decisions are final.

I have no knowledge of Rekomeko or why he got banned.

i have spent a longer time on the forum as compared to u have...helped ppl more than u have..i have a feeling that u consider urself superior. pls find out abt reko if u don't from the othr admins and mods. I feel we need some better admins and mods who know w8s going on on the forum,keep themselves updated and be FAIR
You will find that you are right. I'm more on the FEP side of things, however this does not mean I consider myself superior to anyone. In fact, I am equal too ever member of SF, as is every Moderator.

You fail to realise that I have a job, 14 Exams to revise for, as well as have 3 part-time volunteering Jobs; all of which I have to cater my time for whilst still moderating on here. AS I see it, Rekomeko was given a chance because his situation was questionable. I see that fair. Here however, we have a situation where a member has broken two main rules whilst continuing to try and get banned by possibly insulting members of the forum. her second topic created moments before banning asked her to be banned along with the forum deleted. If I recall correctly?

"R U Going to Delete this 2?" with the post saying something along the lines of I don't care if I'm banned. She tried to prove a point, a point which did not stand. All the Moderators stand by the rules, not by popular opinion.

This is the end of the matter from my end.

stop takin life so seriusly
its liek talkint to robots!!

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: Errrr.. Regarding Banning of Loco93
« Reply #49 on: June 08, 2009, 06:17:30 pm »
past-papers promotes the websites esp fep. He does a lot of work behind the scenes..............................................................

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Re: Errrr.. Regarding Banning of Loco93
« Reply #50 on: June 08, 2009, 06:17:44 pm »
GUYS get a life there is nothing to fight about...
Why the hell u want her back....
the exams are over anyways....
MODS and ADMINS said they will talk about it so don't be a pain the A** and wait after all they control not u they do wat they want it's their website for god's sake.......

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: Errrr.. Regarding Banning of Loco93
« Reply #51 on: June 08, 2009, 06:20:01 pm »
No websites that depends on its users can belong to anyone. Noone claims .to own FEP now. Frankly the future is communism at least on the internet


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Re: Errrr.. Regarding Banning of Loco93
« Reply #52 on: June 08, 2009, 06:20:09 pm »
So you think the moderators and admins are not good enough?

is it hard to blv?

looool...nice way of putting it :D

@crypsanity and reishamix:thanks m8. I fight against passion completely

@past-papers:u are not authorized to end the matter(i'm speaking politely m8) I understand these problems..but if u can't handle this plz let someone who can(don't stress urself) and u say reko's matter was questionable and he was given a benefit of doubt...haha..he admitted to the problem he created and pleaded guilty..yet he was given a chance. He ruined my rep(for real) completely,used my name to abuse ppl..y was he unbanned(first of all he was banned 2 days after the incident and till then he showed no remorse)

Offline past-papers

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Re: Errrr.. Regarding Banning of Loco93
« Reply #53 on: June 08, 2009, 06:24:00 pm »
REKMEKO was unbanned on a vote of the members. Next day he was banned again

but he got a chance..give loco a chance too then
As I said before, it is not the people's decision as to who gets banned and for how long. The Admins and Moderators will democratically make decisions. these decisions are final.

I have no knowledge of Rekomeko or why he got banned.

i have spent a longer time on the forum as compared to u have...helped ppl more than u have..i have a feeling that u consider urself superior. pls find out abt reko if u don't from the othr admins and mods. I feel we need some better admins and mods who know w8s going on on the forum,keep themselves updated and be FAIR
You will find that you are right. I'm more on the FEP side of things, however this does not mean I consider myself superior to anyone. In fact, I am equal too ever member of SF, as is every Moderator.

You fail to realise that I have a job, 14 Exams to revise for, as well as have 3 part-time volunteering Jobs; all of which I have to cater my time for whilst still moderating on here. AS I see it, Rekomeko was given a chance because his situation was questionable. I see that fair. Here however, we have a situation where a member has broken two main rules whilst continuing to try and get banned by possibly insulting members of the forum. her second topic created moments before banning asked her to be banned along with the forum deleted. If I recall correctly?

"R U Going to Delete this 2?" with the post saying something along the lines of I don't care if I'm banned. She tried to prove a point, a point which did not stand. All the Moderators stand by the rules, not by popular opinion.

This is the end of the matter from my end.

stop takin life so seriusly
its liek talkint to robots!!
Unfortunately, life is serious, especially when we are trying to stop cheating from going on. Once you realise this, you will agree. We cannot allow any time of cheating to go on, as this is not what SF is about.

Nor can we have people abusing/insulting other members of the forum, staff or not.

Rules are guidelines which are there to be followed. Loco93 broke these rules and was thus banned as a consequence. I have decreased her ban to 4 days.

Now please, stop worrying about this. It's something which will be discussed; but for now, the ban stands.

This thread is now locked. If there is any update on Loco93, I will post it here.