Qualification > Sciences
Chemistry Paper 1
Thank you kam really appreciate it
--- Quote from: jennie on June 08, 2009, 09:11:18 pm ---Quick question: in 16, why does the hydrogen not start to react until a while into the experiment?
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hydrogen does not react instantly...it requires to initiated(even thought the reaction is exothermic)..There's something known as an activation energy that it requires...and so does not react instantly. But once it starts reacting, the reaction produces immense heat, which is more than the optimum energy for the reaction...remember that the reaction is exothermic so very high temperatures do not favour the reaction and the yield of the product decreases with time.
just wondering if any1 has the mark schemes to the paper 1 chemistry for d old papers..........
can u pls send them...
here https://studentforums.biz/index.php/topic,2342.60.html and https://studentforums.biz/index.php/topic,2342.45.html
+rep hmh cuz he put it up
--- Quote from: nid404 on June 09, 2009, 06:34:48 am ---here https://studentforums.biz/index.php/topic,2342.60.html and https://studentforums.biz/index.php/topic,2342.45.html
+rep hmh cuz he put it up
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the ones that he put up are for physics....
i was wondering if u had the chem ones.... :)
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