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can anyone help me with these questions:
outline the use of microorganisms and fermenters to manufacture enzymes for use in biological washing powders.
Thank you


--- Quote from: madikay on June 07, 2009, 02:41:51 pm ---can anyone help me with these questions:
outline the use of microorganisms and fermenters to manufacture enzymes for use in biological washing powders.
Thank you

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I'll give it a try iam not sure but i can help more if you give me the Q no and year.
umm I know the role of enzymes in biological washing powder:

Certain stains cannot be dissolved in water, so they are difficult to be removed by water, an example of such staints are blood and egg stains.

biological washing powders contain enzymes, such enzymes act as catalysts that help in removing stains by breaking the insoluble molecules of stains into soluble molecules so they can be washed and removed by water.
Example of enzyme used in washing powders:
Lipases: enzyme which catalyze the breakdown of fats to fatty acids ,this is important in removing greasy stains.
Proteases: enzyme which catalayze the breakdown of insoluble proteins into soluble amino acids and this is important in removing stains such as blood stains.

ist any good???


you have to talk about that intracellular and extracellular enzyme crap...

points you have to talk about are that:

-you need a fermenter
-you need a source from where enzymes can be collected (eg yeast)
-you need a feedstock which contains molasses
-conditions - 27 celsius and alkaline pH
-mention a paddle to stir liquid

then finally say what is required to obtain intra/extracellular

intra - feedstock filtered, microorganisms filtered. its then crushed and extracted
extra - feedstock filtered and extracted

thats it...write this and u are assured full marks on any type of this question


--- Quote from: madikay on June 07, 2009, 02:41:51 pm ---can anyone help me with these questions:
outline the use of microorganisms and fermenters to manufacture enzymes for use in biological washing powders.
Thank you

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First we put microorganisms in fermenter having all the suitable contions(37'C,ph6.7) and add a suitable feed stock(glucose,nitrates,.....)and then let the mo to reproduce producing the enzymes needed
BUT if the mo was extracellular,we filter the enzyme easily
and if it was extracellular we crush the mo and we extract the enzyme by water or other solvent
Then we do the process again to get more enzymes
and the enzymes r used as sara said exactly

thanks all three of you  +rep for all
Really thanks alot


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