Qualification > Commerce

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 Hey gyus

does the death rate of a developing country decrease of INcrease???
 : :-*


--- Quote from: hummer618 on June 07, 2009, 02:15:53 pm --- Hey gyus

does the death rate of a developing country decrease of INcrease???
 : :-*

--- End quote ---

It depends whether the developing country is going towards being more undeveloped or developed. Mostly/ usually.. developing countries have high death rate becoz of the less resources they have.. the less knowledge.. the  less capital to invest in thse things. As it gets more developed.. it have thse resources and it decreases.

Hope tht helps.

the question is

How may the age structure of the population in a developing country differ from that in a developed country?


--- Quote from: hummer618 on June 07, 2009, 02:21:40 pm ---the question is

How may the age structure of the population in a developing country differ from that in a developed country?

--- End quote ---

the age structure in developed country is more even.with less of males and females in lower age section and it increases as you go up the pyramid whereas in the developing due to cultural practises and better medical care more people are found in the lower age sector and so the pyramid is in a descending order

so does tht mean deathe rate for developing countries rises or falls


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