Qualification > Sciences

Was the answer "fats" or "Water" in biology paper 1 ?

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:) OpAsi:
No one said it didn't drink ANY water, were just saying that it was LACKING water
So therefore it would still have blood.... don't freak out  ::)
What were saying is that water is not transported in the phloem
Only in the XYLEM (And please don't bring up that solution stuff again)
Sucrose can be turned into fats if it is in excess which in basically is
As the APHIDS are feeding on it constantly :)

ofcourse guys it's fats
although phloem doesnt transport water alone but how could sucrose and amino acids ever be transported in phloem if they're not found as a solution? as powder??? as crystalline solids???? ofcourse not
and remeber that an importance of water is that it is a transport medium so everything is transported in it.. no matter what the phloem transports , water has to be in there. ;)

X Abdulrahman X:
wow lol, 8 pages and u guys still going :P
its only 1 mark lol, and fat appears to be the winner =P

obviously fat is the winner. Some ppl are adamant on water being the answer.
And By the way, phloem does transport water. Check your textbook people.

u guys enough wid this! one mcq, dusnt matter! i think its the first time a topic is 8 pages cuz of ONE MCQ

lol :)


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