Qualification > Sciences

Biolgy paper 1 help!

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--- Quote from: IGCSE hater! on June 07, 2009, 10:35:13 am ---can someone please help me with the menstrual cycle?

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Not tooo compicated..

0-4 days- lining breaks down (the bleeding)
4-13 days- uterus lining is built up again
13-28- uterus lining is maintained-awaiting embeddment of zygote

The days are different for everyone- but thats an approximate count.

Now, the hormones.
Oestogen- is to encourage the repair of the uterus lining
progesterone- maintains the lining

FSH and LH (dont know if u have to know it- but oh well)
Follicle Stimuating hormone + luteinizing hormone- to make the ovum

Hope it Helped!
oh and ovulation (when the little egg is realeased-) happens about the 13th day- when the uterus lining is built up

IGCSE hater!:
hey Thanks!!! :D
it did help...u gave me the idea of it!

oh and estrogen brings about ovulation
but during ovulation both estro and progesterone are low

why is progesterone used in the pill?


--- Quote from: 12345abc on June 07, 2009, 11:18:30 am ---why is progesterone used in the pill?

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because the progestrone tricks the boidy into thinking that fertilisation has taken place so no oestrogen is produced so no fertilisation is produced


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