Qualification > Queries

English lit

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--- Quote ---it will be a straight line Tongue:P sloping downwards
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why, you thought it was hard?

well evn if he thot da ppr 2 b easy....itz alwayz b8r 2 hv da grade thresholds low....n y not???  ;)

all da best!!  ;)


--- Quote from: goin4dakill on June 04, 2009, 05:26:55 pm ---
--- Quote from: pedrojosetrujillo on June 04, 2009, 05:23:24 pm ---if u write 11 pages, r u sure you were answering the question?

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Im pretty sure i was answering the question...
I just had alot to say! And we've been trained so much.
I guess the grade will only tell, but If i managed my time, and i personally feel like i wrote an acceptable essay and answered the question thorougly.. why is that a problem?
We have never been told that were only allowed to write one and a half pages..I mean how do u fit everything???
And i have big writing -.-

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Shelbum! I wrote 9 pages with my annoying little writing! Haha my hand is aching =]

How did everyone think they did? ;) :-* 8) :D :)


--- Quote from: pedrojosetrujillo on June 04, 2009, 05:18:38 pm ---yeah its 3 essays. Dont knw i stress out to easily . Oh i did paper 1, our was open books, i think yours was closed books.

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no ours was opened book as well


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