Qualification > Queries

English lit

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Sure, 5.5 sides is enough. As long as you've answered the questions properly... I wrote about 6 sides.
What topics did you guys do?

I had Richard, Lord of the Flies and Songs of Ourselves.
(Empathic, empathic and caged bird.)

I'm hoping everyone answered a star based question?

2 hours 30 minutes? Isn't the exam supposed to be 2 hours 15 minutes?


--- Quote from: pedrojosetrujillo on June 04, 2009, 05:23:24 pm ---if u write 11 pages, r u sure you were answering the question?

--- End quote ---

Im pretty sure i was answering the question...
I just had alot to say! And we've been trained so much.
I guess the grade will only tell, but If i managed my time, and i personally feel like i wrote an acceptable essay and answered the question thorougly.. why is that a problem?
We have never been told that were only allowed to write one and a half pages..I mean how do u fit everything???
And i have big writing -.-

is it ok if we write around 2 nd a half for 1 question ?

The exam was really easy
what are the books at your sckool guys..??
We have...
~Songs Of Ourselves
~As you like it (Shakespeare)
~To kill a mocking bird
How was your exam....??
Hope it went gud

why are the grade boundaries in english literature so high nearly always? (in previous years)
its so hard to get an A!
what do you think the curve will be like for paper 4 this year?


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