Qualification > Sciences

Biology Paper 1 help!

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I was wondering this...

if someone consumes alcohol, where would the alcohol be first found?? and where is it in the highest concentration?

Could someone explain this to me?

cud some1 plz send me the oct/nov 2008 physics p1 because its not downloading from freeexampapers. my email is mu_1031@hotmail.com. il realy appreciate.


--- Quote from: magician007 on June 04, 2009, 04:15:33 pm ---I was wondering this...

if someone consumes alcohol, where would the alcohol be first found?? and where is it in the highest concentration?

Could someone explain this to me?

--- End quote ---

usually in the gut
cuz then it goes in the liver and the liver reduces the concentration


--- Quote from: magician007 on June 04, 2009, 04:15:33 pm ---I was wondering this...

if someone consumes alcohol, where would the alcohol be first found?? and where is it in the highest concentration?

Could someone explain this to me?

--- End quote ---
It is first found in the LIVER.

The alcohol is 1stfound in the hepatic portal vein coming from the small intestine and is broken down in the liver to remove its toxicity! :)


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