Qualification > Sciences

Biology Paper 1 and 3 help HERE ONLY!!!

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--- Quote from: Feva on June 07, 2009, 09:35:53 pm ---If theres a far away  moving object, and u suddenly want to focus on it to see it clearly, what happens to ur eye to make u see the moving object clearly?

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I remember this type of Q comin in PP lol...

The ciliary muscles Relax and move outwards and the suspensory ligaments become pulled making the lens thinner n the image is formed on retina...

I knw it might be confusin because it was for me too..actually the Main is thing is not that the object is moving..the main is that its far  :)

thanks alot both of u, i owe u +repps after 2 hrs :D

no stress to be honest, ive done my side, studied to the maximum of my effort, w ensha2allah i'll do well ^^


--- Quote from: Feva on June 07, 2009, 09:41:50 pm ---thanks alot both of u, i owe u +repps after 2 hrs :D

no stress to be honest, ive done my side, studied to the maximum of my effort, w ensha2allah i'll do well ^^

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isA we will all do well

hey... i need help with biology!
i havent studied anythingg cos i was really busy so im gonna start studying now.

can anyone think of the most important topics about plants that are important for me to study?


--- Quote from: monnie on June 07, 2009, 09:36:25 pm ---
--- Quote from: ang3l on June 07, 2009, 09:26:41 pm ---
--- Quote from: monnie on June 07, 2009, 09:23:44 pm ---
--- Quote from: kam on June 07, 2009, 09:20:05 pm ---i got a que
um on a hot day, is there more urea formed?

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no on a clod day more urea is formed i dont know how or why but i know that much that on a cold day it is more probably something to do with shivering
hope that helps

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Yea lol..but actually i guess u mixed up the two features of Homeostasis...
Shivering is to do with Temperature regulation and quantity of urea is with water regulation..

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can u then explain the difference between both

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Temperature regulation:
In hot environment wen the body temp. rises abv normal the blood vesseles under the surface of skin dilate(vasodilation) which results in more blood flowing  to the skin surface n greater heat loss..The sweat production also increases...the evapouration of sweat results in lowering the temperature of body

wen the temp. falls below normal the blood vessels constrict (vasoconstriction) which results in less blood flowing to the skin surface n less heat loss..also shivering occurs which generates Heat

Water regulation:
In hot days as water is also lost frm sweating the urea production is less n concentrated
In cold days its more n in a dilute form

Hope it helps  ;D


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