Qualification > Sciences

Biology Paper 1 and 3 help HERE ONLY!!!

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im halfway thru reproduction already ^^
studying and posting every now and then lol


--- Quote from: Feva on June 07, 2009, 09:03:04 pm ---im halfway thru reproduction already ^^
studying and posting every now and then lol

--- End quote ---
me too but um done with the syllabus um just looking at pastpapers and stuff
By the way feva r u a boy or a girl??!

i'm a guy ^^

ah well, ive studied past papers alot probably memorised every question from 2004-2008
so just going thru syllabus, past papers are pretty Straigh-forward (most of them) dont you think?


--- Quote from: Feva on June 07, 2009, 09:12:11 pm ---i'm a guy ^^

ah well, ive studied past papers alot probably memorised every question from 2004-2008
so just going thru syllabus, past papers are pretty Straigh-forward (most of them) dont you think?

--- End quote ---
sometimes but i usually hv a problem in understanding wt exactly the question wants so i go over them after i finish studying

i got a que
um on a hot day, is there more urea formed?


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