Qualification > Sciences
Biology Paper 1 and 3 help HERE ONLY!!!
--- Quote from: kim on June 04, 2009, 07:53:19 pm ---
--- Quote from: noemi on June 04, 2009, 07:52:19 pm ---
--- Quote from: thukon on June 04, 2009, 09:14:49 am ---The table shows the percentage of protein, fat and carbs in 4 samples of dried food.
Which has the highest energy
Protein fat carbs
A. 76 9 15
B. 17 0 83
C. 33 32 35
D. 15 85 0
I said D. Is that the correct answer?
I lost the first page so I dont know what year it is. Can someone tell me which year and month the paper is?
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hey, i just did this paper, its may/june 2004 i wrote C
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the answer is D because of the high fat content
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okay, do you know the difference between continous and discontinous variation?
Continous is the variation which changes during time, like youe height, weight......
Discountinous varitation is the one which doesnt change during time, like the gender,blood group...
--- Quote from: sweetsh on June 04, 2009, 07:57:34 pm ---Continous is the variation which changes during time, like youe height, weight......
Discountinous varitation is the one which doesnt change during time, like the gender,blood group...
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thanks a lot! anxious about paper 1 tomorow?
I'm always anxious, preparing, but I hope we all do well inshalah.
can somebody explain .. question 25 m/j 2007 ??
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