Qualification > Sciences
IG Chemistry Paper 3 discussion
yea negative ans is exo
we should subtract (energy taken in during bond breaking)- (energy released during bond formation)
--- Quote from: posten on June 02, 2009, 06:44:29 am ---he said beside using indicator
so u should add a carbonate like calcium carbonate bubble the gas produced through lime water turns milky white
--- End quote ---
i wrote exactly the same thing!!!!
wat was ans 4 da chlorophyll thing
How cute! 24 hours are not over yet sorry.
Can you people just stop ?
What are you guys gaining how can you be 100% sure that your answers are right , if you have questions go to your teachers , instead of wasting time trying to see if you got things right study for physics who knows it might be just as fd up as chemistry .
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