Qualification > Commerce
da AcCoUnTiNg PaPeR 3 zzz.zzz..zzz
IGCSE hater!:
o and u noe da question in which dey r like how does the % epenses to sales effect the effiency of da business..
i rote dat as cuz it decreases the gross profit and net profit % also decreases which decreases da efficinecy of da business...iz dat rite?!
and also...da question where debtos payin us...how does it effect da workin capital?! i wrote it stays da same cuz ur debtors r decreasin and at da same time ur cas is increasin...
and my lsat question...the debots and creditos period thingy..how does tht effect the liquidity?! i sed tht although they r getin cash from debtos after a long time...they r still able to pay their creditos meanin the liquidity is high??
ooo...LAST one...was it a deficiet of 490?!
this exaam waaaz stupid.... i thought most of da meanings and da concepts come in p2
we had p3 chemistry sooo we didnt study on either waaayz
sooo it waz all aloooot of mess but i did fyn except for the meanings i wrote wat ever came on ma mind because some of them we didnt even hear abt them. ??? ??? ???
Damn .. it was very very hard paper .. most of things i didnt knew how to solve them .. and moreover i was very sleepy during the examination ..
I hate it
They should have told us about the new pattern of the exams >> in the old pattern at least we could gain some marks but in this one it is totally BULL**** ..
Duhhhh ..
anyhow .. lets try best for the next Exam .. Insha'allah we will pass
--- Quote from: Nanavel on June 01, 2009, 09:32:01 pm ---Damn .. it was very very hard paper .. most of things i didnt knew how to solve them .. and moreover i was very sleepy during the examination ..
I hate it
They should have told us about the new pattern of the exams >> in the old pattern at least we could gain some marks but in this one it is totally BULL**** ..
Duhhhh ..
anyhow .. lets try best for the next Exam .. Insha'allah we will pass
--- End quote ---
By the way the multiple choice for accounting would only count if u gain less than C grade.
well i think 24hrs past now... (at least for me)...
about the paper- just some tricky questions=>
- revaluation = its like u call the garage/shop n ask them to value ur asset, (as if ur sellin it)
- control a/c bad debt recovered 300$ cash => in control a/c 1st dr bad debt recov 300 AND 2nd cr cash 300 OR ignore it completely (since they cancel out)
- control a/c - dont include provision for doubtful debts
- depreciation, one vehicle u charge for 8 months onli (1st JUL - 28 Feb)
- pnl, u dont hav gross profit since its service business-> so just rev (clients go in the revenue section), exp, np
n remember it said do "PnL a/c".. not "trading, Profit and Loss a/c"
http://books.google.com/books?id=YG8sqLZBXBUC&pg=PA129&lpg=PA129&dq=profit+and+loss+service+business+trading&source=bl&ots=PVElVNNsB2&sig=KAdD-PCUlym-6rfPTzWzhy5nVFE&hl=en&ei=KowkSuaVGc2GkAXw_dWqBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4#PPA129,M1 (scroll down a bit)
- subscription to InE = transfer $2500
- InE deficit
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