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Funny things happened during your exams :D

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Write the funnny moments that happened wihle you were doing an exam :P

My friend was sitting infront of me during the arabic first language exam, and he farted. the smell killed mee :P and there was a sound :D

during listening, I was sitting next to the stereo! and started coughing like HELL!! i felt that the whole room wnted me down after the exam.. :P

AS girl:
once in grade 5 i guess...i was sitting inside the classroom and finished my arabic exam cuz it was so easy. Anyways the next day my arabic teacher comes and started screaming...we were all wondering what was the reason that made our calm teacher get angry too this point....

There was t3beer and a guy in my class didn't know what to write and wrote the lyrics of his favourite song!lol

about that...

some guy had a compostion about bravery... he handed and empty paper written on the corner...

"that's what bravey is"

AS girl:

--- Quote from: AL*Eagle on June 01, 2009, 01:20:22 pm ---about that...

some guy had a compostion about bravery... he handed and empty paper written on the corner...

"that's what bravey is"

--- End quote ---

omg loooooooooooooooooooooool
so funny!


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