Qualification > Languages
English Literature HELP!!!
I have English Literature on Thursday and am freaking confused. I have done As You Like It, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Poetry and Into the wind.
I have got As You Like It and Mocking Bird covered. But there is nothing on the internet for Poetry and Into the Wind. Please help with these two and I can give a guide for the other two that is TKAMB and AYLIT available if someone needs them. IT is not sparknotes it is Enotes. If anybody needs it drop me a line.
What questions are you preparing for TKAM?
wow Can you kindly give me your poetry and TKAMB notes to: vincentfong888@gmail.com
Doing the same exam this thursday, do you have open book exam? I dont :( i have closed books
I'm afraid im doing completely different texts from you, i am doing Lord of the Flies, Pride and Prejudice, The Crucible and Poetry...
I can help you with poetry, any poems that you don't like ?
its good to share opinions here, to have a wider understanding...
What poems are u expecting?
Both passage based and otherwise.
Is there a chance of repeating the passage based poem with a different question?
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