I have been working extremely hard on the english literature... and well i sort of came up with my own checklist when writing essays...
For passage based questions:
Pick out important words
Language Analysis
Writers intention - ie. why he/ she has used the particular word
Effects on Audience
The importance of the passage (usually the questions on passage will ask you why is this scene dramatic, or how has the writer made it seem something special)
The most important thing is ansering the QUESTION itself, and avoid straying off... Make sure you use Point-Evidence-Explaination throuhgout the essay.....make at least 4 distinct points and keep the structure flowing
Analysis Questions
Social/Historical Context
Writers Intention
Audience Effect
Thematic Links
Characters involvement
Good Quotes ( i have closed book so ive had to learn the damn quotes)
Small langugage analysis -> this needs to be there to get you the highest mark
And once again, answer the question, and use POINT - EVIDENCE - EXPLANATION