Motor vehicle-
oct 1 2004 bought 2 vehicle (20000 n 16000) hence debit motor vehicle a/c since asset increase.
sept 30 2005 depreciate the 2 vehicles- 25% of 20000 + 25% of 16000 = 5000+4000=9000 -> credit since negative asset a/c
remove vehicle VWU from motor vehicle a/c -> credit 16000 (the cost of that car)
remove prov depn -> remove 4000 from the a/c since until now the total dep charged is 4000 for that car... debit 4000
enter both of them in disposal a/c-> debit 16000, credit 4000, hence balance is 12000 dr which is net book value...
then it is sold at 12500 hence credit 12500 n balance now is 500cr, n since sold higher then NBV, it is a profit.
then at end of year, transfer the balance of the a/c to pnl n close disposal a/c (make it 0)....
also at the end of year, dont forget to charge depn in provision for depreciation a/c for the remaining vehicle KUA at 25% of cost =5000
hope thats more clear