Author Topic: How should I Prepare For the ATP's?  (Read 2168 times)

Offline hermann_oberth

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How should I Prepare For the ATP's?
« on: May 08, 2009, 10:36:46 am »
I know there is little time left, but I have been reading the past papers of ATP's and have become really confused on how I answer my questions. What chapters or topics In Physics, Chemistry And Biology Should I study for the ATP? Any other ATP advice would be useful, thanks!

Offline nox_fjmoony

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Re: How should I Prepare For the ATP's?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2009, 03:58:48 pm »
I think when studying the book you should really focus on the practical details. Also you could re-read the topics and try to actually UNDERSTAND them, that helps a lot I believe. And man I guess you could practice doing the graphs in the older question papers. And the mark schemes help. So far I know mate, I dunno of any book that is made especially made for the atp papers. Its supposed to be the schools responsibility to teach us the many experiments and in my case they didn't do that properly. So..I guess you could just be a bit creative with designing the experiments.and try to relate the topics to the experiments. I think its all thats really needed. Hope it helped, even if a bit. :D