Qualification > Commerce

Economics "Analysis and Critical Evalutaion"

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I Jimmy I:
YEP! Same here!
Anywayz m8, dont expect to a 40. :D
A 30+ is considered an A.

Hey guys, can you'll tell me which text books you'll use for studyn eco

im actually using my notebook more, cuz its more brief

I Jimmy I:
Dont use ur textbook. Or alteast my textbook sucks.
There is also no need for the textbook in paper 3.
Paper 3 will have 1 or 2 BASIC and SHORT definitions about anything and the rest will be from the case study.
There is no need to study from the notebook for P3, however this is required in paper2. (structured questions)
ALL the answers to the questions in P3 will be from the case studies and frankly theyre all simple.
Its either "Is there enough evidence....?" or "Do u agree with the spokesman about the ....?"
You will need to refer to the case study and use your commonsense. Hope this helped ;)

even i am really counfused with paper 3
i just dont understand wat r the examiners asking 4


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