Author Topic: JOKES AND Riddles!!  (Read 428691 times)

Offline MaNi_DaDuDe

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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4440 on: November 25, 2009, 11:00:42 pm »
And this morning I slept through the alarm system and skipped the whole day of school.

I have to start getting some sleep  ;D

You have school when Thanksgiving is tomorrow? :/

Offline staceyboy3

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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4441 on: November 25, 2009, 11:50:28 pm »
You have school when Thanksgiving is tomorrow? :/

I don't have school tomorrow.

Not because its thanksgiving which is sad. Fins are not known for socialising much.
Relax, enjoy and be LAZY!


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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4442 on: December 01, 2009, 11:55:47 am »
After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if Saddam is still alive",

>Saddam decided to send George W. a letter in his own writing to let his
>friend know that he is still in the game.
>Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a coded message:
>George W. couldn't figure it out so he typed it in and emailed Colin
>Powell. Colin and his aides had no clue either, so they sent it to the CIA.
>No one at the CIA could solve it so it went to the NSA and then to MIT and NASA and the cc list got longer and longer.
>Eventually it arrived at the Feds.
>Dr. Greenspan looked at it and replied the next second: "Perhaps the President would wish to look at the message up-side down"


this was posted in a gulf war "war blog" in April 2003 .. i bet Saddam laughed at this before he was hung :P

Offline staceyboy3

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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4443 on: December 01, 2009, 01:28:59 pm »
After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if Saddam is still alive",

>Saddam decided to send George W. a letter in his own writing to let his
>friend know that he is still in the game.
>Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a coded message:
>George W. couldn't figure it out so he typed it in and emailed Colin
>Powell. Colin and his aides had no clue either, so they sent it to the CIA.
>No one at the CIA could solve it so it went to the NSA and then to MIT and NASA and the cc list got longer and longer.
>Eventually it arrived at the Feds.
>Dr. Greenspan looked at it and replied the next second: "Perhaps the President would wish to look at the message up-side down"


this was posted in a gulf war "war blog" in April 2003 .. i bet Saddam laughed at this before he was hung :P

Omgosh hahahaa! xD xD that made my day!  :D
Relax, enjoy and be LAZY!

Offline O.T.13.

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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4444 on: December 01, 2009, 11:35:33 pm »
And this morning I slept through the alarm system and skipped the whole day of school.

I have to start getting some sleep  ;D

take bio classes, they're the best places to sleep at (excluding arabic, but i am sure yall dont have arabic classes over at Scandinavia)
Nothing is worse than being surrounded by people and yet you still feel lonely

Offline staceyboy3

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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4445 on: December 02, 2009, 02:15:05 pm »
take bio classes, they're the best places to sleep at (excluding arabic, but i am sure yall dont have arabic classes over at Scandinavia)

Our bio teacher is the strictest teacher out there. You wouldn't want to sleep in her bio classes :P

Besides, bio is interesting :)

Our physics teacher doesn't care much... but i don't have them now (dam!) :D
Relax, enjoy and be LAZY!

Offline sweetest angel

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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4446 on: December 11, 2009, 07:16:32 am »
After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if Saddam is still alive",

>Saddam decided to send George W. a letter in his own writing to let his
>friend know that he is still in the game.
>Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a coded message:
>George W. couldn't figure it out so he typed it in and emailed Colin
>Powell. Colin and his aides had no clue either, so they sent it to the CIA.
>No one at the CIA could solve it so it went to the NSA and then to MIT and NASA and the cc list got longer and longer.
>Eventually it arrived at the Feds.
>Dr. Greenspan looked at it and replied the next second: "Perhaps the President would wish to look at the message up-side down"


this was posted in a gulf war "war blog" in April 2003 .. i bet Saddam laughed at this before he was hung :P

lol i had 2 turn the whole laptop upside down....its hilarious :D
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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4447 on: January 15, 2010, 04:28:11 pm »
Biology class:
A professor stood before his class of twenty senior organic biology students, about to hand out the final exam.
"I want to say that it's been a pleasure teaching you this semester. I know you've all worked extremely hard and many of you are off to medical school after summer. So that no one gets their GPA messed up because they might have been celebrating a bit too much this week, anyone who would like to opt out of the final exam today will receive a 'B' for the course."
There was much rejoicing in the class as students got up, walked to the front of the class, and took the professor up on his offer. As the last taker left the room, the professor looked out over the handful of remaining students and asked, "Anyone else? This is your last chance." One final student rose up and opted out of the final.
The professor closed the door and took attendance of those students remaining. "I'm glad to see you believe in yourself," he said. "You all get 'A's."

Physics class:

A college physics professor was explaining a particularly complicated concept to his class when a pre-med student interrupted him.
"Why do we have to learn this stuff?" one young man blurted out.
"To save lives," the professor responded before continuing the lecture.
A few minutes later the student spoke up again. "So how does physics save lives?"
The professor stared at the student for a long time without saying a word. Finally the professor continued. "Physics saves lives," he said, "because it keeps the idiots out of medical school."

How do these ones sound??? ;D


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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4448 on: January 15, 2010, 04:40:26 pm »
Bolnde Jokes:

How do you amuse a blonde for hours?
A: Write 'Please turn over' on both sides of a piece of paper

Blonde Inventions

1. The water-proof towel
2. Solar powered flashlight
3. Submarine screen door
4. A book on how to read
5. Inflatable dart board
6. A dictionary index
7. Ejector seat in a helicopter
8. Powdered water
9. Pedal-powered wheel chair
10. Water-proof tea bag

No offence meant 2 our bonde friend, dou.


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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4449 on: January 15, 2010, 04:57:55 pm »
looooooool liked the physics one the most.  :D

Thx for posting. Post more if u have.  :P

Offline O.T.13.

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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4450 on: January 16, 2010, 04:21:40 am »
nice ones amelia
a dictionary index, hmmm, not a bad idea if different letters were colored so we dont have to scranble thru everytime  :D
Nothing is worse than being surrounded by people and yet you still feel lonely


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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4451 on: January 16, 2010, 08:40:03 am »
So who likes blondes over here?  :P

For me, I don't like blonde guys much. Prefer burrente  :-\

Offline Lana Wolf

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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4452 on: January 16, 2010, 12:07:21 pm »
So who likes blondes over here?  :P

For me, I don't like blonde guys much. Prefer burrente  :-\

i like both.. but depends on the guy too.. . ;)


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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4453 on: January 16, 2010, 03:19:07 pm »
Personally, i think blonde guys r gayish. But is dere ny1 on da forum hu is blonde?


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Re: JOKES AND Riddles!!
« Reply #4454 on: January 16, 2010, 04:10:07 pm »
Personally, i think blonde guys r gayish. But is dere ny1 on da forum hu is blonde?

LOL, members in the forum are mostly from the Middle East. So I don't think so  :-\