Qualification > Commerce
how do u calculate
average price when you have total sales revenue, cost of sales,fixed costs and net profit..i repeat how do u calculate average price
X Abdulrahman X:
total of fixed and variable costs divided by units of production
X Abdulrahman X:
or simply, total costs divided by total output = Average cost of production
it is a business studies question...asking about financial performance.from june 2008
heres the profit and loss ACC
saLes revenue 100000
Cost of sales 10,000
Gross Profit 90,000
Expenses 80,000
Net Profit 10,000
so i can calulate net profit margin and gross profit margin and total profit.but can i calculate breakeven??
By the way no output given
X Abdulrahman X:
net profit margin = the total profits - total costs as a percentage of the sales.
gross profit margin = the total profits as a percentage of the sales.
Breakeven point = Fixed Cost/(Sales Price - Variable Cost)
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