New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
How was yer trip around the world? Ramadan makes life so busy fer me..what about yuh guys?
it must feel weird right now!!to think you were dieing of heat and suddenly u are freezing!!!ooh yes how could i not?!!its so sad so many lives lost
LOL GUYS ! IFTAAAAAAAARRRRIIIIII IS YUMMMYYYYYYYY ! ONE OF THE BEST THINGS ABOUT RAMADAN IS IFTAARI ! i'll prolly have lasagna, cholay, pakorays, samosays, channays, yeh woh, etc ! wbu?
OKKAY, i've to go now..will catch yuh guys later ! and i'll miss yuh, sisso ! *hugs* Take carekeep smilin' have a great sehri and iftaari !
*waits patiently for an answer*
HahahahaahahTYPICALLL Iftaariiii = samosaaaaassss <3And lots more stuff which I can't be bothered with after a few days
Hahahaha!Byeee, yooou too I should sleep too, havta wake up at four in the morning tomorrow GAHH Muhahahaha I looove my mum's samosas! Nahh I eat a lot the first few days - I'll give you an upadte tomorrow with all the useless details tomorrow after iftaari G'night Pakis<3