Qualification > Languages



hey i was wondering if anyone could help me with what i should know for the composition part of Paper 2. [the one worth 15 marks!]

What are the most likely topics to come up?
Do any of you have sample answers?

AS many of you know the exam is tomorrow.....so if i could an answer sooon i really would appreciate it  xD

its not that hard! just read the questions and TICK EACH POINT AS YOU GO. you lose a lot of marks if you forget to include a point! also, try to just make sure you are consistent. for example, make sure what you write is actually correct rather than try to show off with some new words your not sure of!
they are much easier than paper 4, so dont worry, nothing difficult will come. try to add conecting words like

Apres avoir faire ca ( after doing this)
En plus (in addition)
A mon avis (in my opinion)


Good luck!

Thanks Name for the help.

Sumaiya jackie:
how do they mark that paper 2, on the section worth 15 marks (the short writing)

Ghost Of Highbury:
check the markscheme..its clearly ritten



• 1 mark per item up to a maximum of 10 for Communication +
• Up to 5 marks for Accuracy according to banded mark scheme below
NB: (a) + 2 of (b), (c) and (d) must be completed to get the 10 communication marks.
(a) + 1 of (b), (c) and (d) = maximum communication mark of 9.
If only (a) is covered, the maximum communication mark is 8.
LISTS = a maximum of 3 marks for communication:
lists of 1–3 items = 1 mark
lists of 4 items = 2 marks
lists of 5–6 items = 3 marks"

5 Limited range of vocabulary, idiom and structure (e.g. parce que, quand, ne ... pas).
The style of writing is basic but reasonably coherent.
Use of a limited range of verbs, often successful.
More accuracy than inaccuracy.
4 Basic range of vocabulary, idiom and structure (e.g. parce que, ne … pas).
Sentences may be repetitive (e.g. all beginning with je, but are often successful.
Use of a basic range of verbs, with limited success.
The writing is sufficiently accurate for some meaning to be conveyed.
3 Basic range of vocabulary and structure (e.g. infinitive constructions)
Sentences may be repetitive (e.g. all beginning with je).
Some awareness of verb usage.
Despite regular errors, the writing often conveys some meaning.
2 Basic range of vocabulary and structure.
Effective for a variety of straightforward messages.
Some awareness of verb usage.
The degree of inaccuracy frequently obscures the meaning.
1 Basic range of vocabulary.
Effective for some messages.
Insufficient accuracy to convey the meaning.
0 Nothing to reward
Length: award mark for accuracy on the basis of the quality of work the candidate has produced.
Where the composition is so short that the number of messages is restricted, this will be selfpenalising.


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