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i rote bout the huts

defo losing 3 marks in the gradient question - really messed that sh*t up.

and mayb moree

not a good paper for me


--- Quote from: magician007 on May 29, 2009, 04:48:41 pm ---defo losing 3 marks in the gradient question - really messed that sh*t up.

and mayb moree

not a good paper for me

--- End quote ---

yea, no one saw that one coming lol. I think i got the method right but the answer wrong.. ???

I chose the one in the valleys and on top of the highest land... because i dont think there were any steep slopes
soil erosion- i wrote that the soil on the hills was very sparsely covered with protective vegetation cover and hence vulnerable to being displaced, and that there were very scanty trees in some places (due to possible deforestation), hence no nutrients being recycled in the soil by the tree. All this leads to soil erosion
oh and can someone please tell me what the CORRECT gradient answer is haha because im so confused
lol i kinda just winged everything.. was the soil erosion one right?

Everyone has different answers for the gradient..so we don't know which one's right!

I wrote the same thing as you did for soil erosion, that the steep sides of the hills do not have any trees or plants so there are no roots to protect the soil.


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