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Student Shop and Student Daily

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Shops typically double the cost price but with novelty and loyalty stuff where all the money goes to students you should be able to charge premium prices.


--- Quote from: astarmathsandphysics on May 22, 2009, 06:38:44 pm ---Shops typically double the cost price but with novelty and loyalty stuff where all the money goes to students you should be able to charge premium prices.

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i think we should start off wid cheap prices soo more ppl would be attracted to us n then later on we could increase it


--- Quote from: astarmathsandphysics on May 22, 2009, 06:38:44 pm ---Shops typically double the cost price but with novelty and loyalty stuff where all the money goes to students you should be able to charge premium prices.

--- End quote ---
ya sure
maybe we can charge a 20% or somethin on the cost price

Do you want to make money or not? You can buy mugs in bulk for maybe 20 US cents each. You should charge $10 at least plus postage.

So lets make a list guys,

for the products we all agree on and the price


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