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--- Quote from: mjerrar on May 22, 2009, 05:55:51 pm ---hey why not me :-\
first i asked 2 make me a moderator n one answered
now im asking u 2 take me in
n u r not considering me
Y?  :-[

--- End quote ---

Sorry I missed your noderator post, but anyway Sweetsh decides on moderators. You are welcome to join the shop. We need a lead person to organise all this.

thanx astar..  ;)
so what kind of work i will have to do after 12th june

Frankly we want the people to organize themselves to run the shop by themselves. I can provide some seed capital and an advance order but you must organize everything yourselves.

i would like 2 work

i will be free by 12th june !
itz a nyc idea as i said be4 sellin stuff 4 studentz  ;D


--- Quote from: astarmathsandphysics on May 22, 2009, 06:22:01 pm ---Frankly we want the people to organize themselves to run the shop by themselves. I can provide some seed capital and an advance order but you must organize everything yourselves.

--- End quote ---

So first will have a meeting first
decide the items, price and person to do it
n then do it all


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