New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
-_-You seem like a lady's man ?
It is not really nice to have 7373939993933 girls in your MSN contact list tbh.
hahahha why isnt it nice?
Ya3ni you think it is nice for a girl to have 73838383 guys in her contact list? What will you think of her? Deep inside of you, she is a low person because a girl needs to be modest and not talking to many guys. Ya3ni its okay friendship but like with not many guys. This is my point of view and it differs to different people depending on the religion and culture.
yeah true,but no guy will ever approve of that, hhahhahahaaha
He won't mind talking to that girl but inside of him he knows she is just..uh..umm..u know..maybe cheap? ya3ni just for fun bas he would run after the hard to get one.I think low of the guys who talk to many girls tbh. I like the respectful ones.
LOL! I don't know you really so I can't judge.
i'll take that as a yes hahahahahahahah
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! NO WAY! I was actually going to tell you that I think you are a pervert but I disliked judging you
meh la2a..I have my senses which is telling me u r. Ya3ni many things from ur posts and talks makes me think u r, things u don't usually notice but I do.
hahahahah have u ever thought that im postin these things just for the FUN of it, and not for the pervy parts??