Qualification > Sciences
Chemistry Help HERE ONLY !!
Thanks :D
unknown 101:
--- Quote from: ZeroZero82 on May 28, 2009, 10:55:14 am ---THANKS!! And how do we know if a reaction is a redox reaction!? ;D
--- End quote ---
shogun;s way might be alittle bit confusing, an easier way to memorize it:
Oxidation: gain of oxygen, loss of electrons, loss of hydrogen
Reduction: loss of ogygen, gain of electrons, gain of hydrogen
Examples: analyze shogun;s examples, cuz they are good examples, lol
so redox is when reduction and oxidation both take place in one reaction!?
yup when oxidationa and reduction take place simultaniously
Thank you so much!! I could tackle glomp you right now!! (yes, tht's how much of a nerd I am =P)
Anyways, yh thanks! +rep!
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