Rox, I am doing research methods in IGCSE sociology. Would notes about it interest you? 

I did sociology A levels too! Very interesting, but no- wont really interest me at this stage hehe.
I used SPSS in Biostatistics, still don't how it works 
I've been using it for 2 years now and still dont know how it works lol.
I think even though SPSS looks overwhelming the amount of things you need to be able to do on it for psychology is pretty small and not as hard to get to grips with as you think. Anyway, have fun lol
Thats true, but it does get quite complicated.
You know all the parametric and non parametric and all the other analysis.
Does anyone know how you can have a significant interaction but no main effect on a 2x2 ANOVA ?
I'm actually really stuck and my exam's tomorrow. :S