Qualification > Past Papers

Edexcel IGCSE January 2013 Question Papers & Mark Schemes

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--- Quote from: grazia on February 25, 2013, 06:40:13 pm ---is there any way you could try to send it to me? ive been trying to find them for ages :(

--- End quote ---
Please provide me a link from EDEXCEL website Or the subject code

Its IGCSE math higher tier 2013 3H and 4H
http://www.edexcel.com/i-am-a/teacher/Pages/pastpapers.aspx     its sais access for techers but i do not have the username or password unfortunatly :(

Do you think you could try get a hold of the 2013 igcse math higher tier papers? Thanks

Can you upload the QP and Mark scheme for History? It's been difficult to get past year papers for History, anyone know where else I can find it? Thanks

Please can you post maths 3h and 4h with mark schemes? Thanks


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