Qualification > Commerce
ECO balance of payments help!!
I dont get balance of payments in eco!!!
can somebody help??
--- Quote from: tnya123 on May 21, 2009, 10:55:07 am ---I dont get balance of payments in eco!!!
can somebody help??
--- End quote ---
i noe its kinda hard but aftr a while it gets easy.
this ppt covers very brief points, but all the points for it are there.
i have another ppt. hope it helps
well in brief
there are 2 account
current account
capital account
current acount has 2 types
visible trade: has imports and export that are visible
invisible trade : imports and export at are 'invisble' in terms of gaining or losing foreign currency
capital account
this consists of changes in external assets and liabilities
well usually this is all added up in balance of payment....imports and negative and exports are positive
overall positive is surplus
overall negative is deficit
Hey tnya, don't fret. Balance of Payments looks hard, but in actuality, its very simple.
It is extremely hard to explain online, but I have a video here which might help you.
Economics is easy. Just make sure you grasp onto the core of every chapter/theory.
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