Qualification > Miscellaneous

2009 ICT papers

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oh my god! i have wriiten the exact thing Bassiouni said :O :O :O

fingers crossed!! hope its riteeeeee!


--- Quote from: angell on May 21, 2009, 09:49:15 pm ---oh my god! i have wriiten the exact thing Bassiouni said :O :O :O

fingers crossed!! hope its riteeeeee!

--- End quote ---

Wht can i Say !! :D Great Mind Think Alike :D

By the way I asked my Teacher she was a Moderator at Cambridge, she Said I was Right so Yh Wohhoooo !!!!!!!!!! ;D

uve no idea how happy uve made me :D thank u soo much!! :D

angell, which question did you get the same as bassiouni

X Abdulrahman X:
aww crap -.-.. navigation part i did was wrong Zz Zz, is it 4 mark Q or 5 mark ?


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