Qualification > Languages

English paper 3

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have a look sweet. u said u wanted help with narrative

hmm... i may not sound so professional but wot i want to say is always make a plan
an outline is really important cuz your essay should be organised and sorted out
you should always have an intro, body and conclusion

-thesis statement
-connecting info



*for the first section, read wot they ask you to do carefully and answer the questions

*if there is a persuasive writing, always use the persuasive techniques
e.g. -alliteration(you can eat extraordinary eggs in our canteen *lolz)
-triplets(you can run, play and sing...)
-rhetorical questions
-flattery(you are an intelligent person)
-facts and figures.. etc

*for argumentative essays, be clear about wot you're talking about
you should be clear and write wot you're gonna say in the first paragraph
e.g. (topic: fastfood should be banned, do you agree?)
- fastfood has been increasingly popular these days as...(blah blah blah). i personally think that fastfood should be banned.
and then you start a new paragraph and give your reasons (make a plan and write the points you want to say in the body)
if you dont write that in the first paragraph then the examiner wont know wot you're gonna talk about
if you want to write 'on the other hand' DONT cuz you're already saying that you think that fastfood should be banned
to argue for both sides, be clear and also state it in the first para

*when you're writing a descriptive essay always remember "show dont tell"
try to give the reader an image
e.g. a red rose is always better than a flower

*big words are not always necessary but try to avoid words like 'nice' and other words like that

OH YEAH! one big thing, avoid toilet, guns, deaths, sex, tears and anything that you've never gone through or had any experience on
cuz then it would sound really fake and stupid
like if you'll be asked to write something exciting which you've experienced,
dont write that you've climbed up the mount everest if you've never done it

I cannot wait for the English exam. It's gonna be a piece of cake.
A piece of advice to everyone, stick to writing a Narrative. It leaves room for creativity and it's just easy marks. The best way to prepare for the 3rd paper is by reading a novel though I guess. :)

thanx very useful

Yes what pocket-protector said is a really easy way out.... to get high marks is narrative...its like a story..which isnt hard work and just add a few big words ..also if you choose narrative never kill off your lead character if you talking through his perspective because if he's dead then whose talking and how will you end the story  :-\ and one really really important point never end your story saying ...oh and i woke up and it was just a dream.. examiners HATE that and aswell as copying other famous stories like Twilight and using its plot and characters or Harry Potter or so because its not your own idea and their english examiners they are very likely to know these books  ;)


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